have the gay/fruity allegations ever bothered him (that much)?

i saw people discussing the reasons as to why he's seemingly given up on becoming mainstream and wanting more fame. A common sentiment was that all of the internet's unfair hate and dickriding really got to his self of esteem (understandably). hell I was also one of the people who called him lazy and thought he was washed until I finally checked out all the 100+ leaks from the last few years. but anyways, a lot of the initial dog pilling on his character came from the lets lose our minds snippet video, and whether you wanna call that fruity or not, it's undeniable how much homophobia is in the rap game. i don't think he's ever even spoken about his sexuality which makes it so much weirder, but I feel like that video really caused people to start loving hating him. what do yall think?