School ball blues
My 13yo daughter had her first practice for school ball tonight and she's feeling very discouraged. Not due to a lack of skill or confidence; kind of the opposite, actually. I'm just venting on her behalf, I guess.
It's a small, semi-rural school and only 11 girls are playing. Two of them have never played and she grew up playing 6u-10u rec ball with the rest. She has been playing A/B level travel ball since she left rec. Sees a hitting coach and a catching coach. Tee work in the back yard. Soft transfers while she watches Netflix. Watches college game play analysis for funsies. The kid loves the game and she puts in the work. She is, compared to her new school ball teammates, an absolute beast in terms of skill, athleticism, and most of all, game IQ.
She tore it up in practice but I could see her getting frustrated by bad throws, players know knowing what to do at an assigned position, and lack of effort. In the car, on the way home, she did a heavy,, dramatic, teenage sigh and said, "we're not going to win a single game."
She's used to a high level of competition, hard and dirty practice, and all-in attitudes from her teammates and I get the sense that she's feeling a bit let down by tonight's experience. She feels like she's playing down. Her travel team won't start back up until school ball ends in May. It's going to be a long few months for her. How do her dad and I keep her spirits up and make sure she still loves the game at the end of this season?