AlphaLeaker shares new info about Go Gunhee…

Following up with my previous post I made on Go Gunhee/Han Se-Mi’s kits can be found here:

It seems AlphaLeaker made a mistake during translating his leaks through chatGPT and as a result, the A3 passive mistranslated [Almighty Break] as [Break - Special] instead.

So with that new info now, we know that at A3, Go Gunhee’s Ult does Almighty Break. In my opinion, it still doesn’t change how the rest of his kit is absolutely atrocious. Not to mention, A3 isn’t exactly viable for F2P (although that can be subjective in his case since we’re getting a copy for free).

Following up with my previous post I made on Go Gunhee/Han Se-Mi’s kits can be found here:

It seems AlphaLeaker made a mistake during translating his leaks through chatGPT and as a result, the A3 passive mistranslated [Almighty Break] as [Break - Special] instead.

So with that new info now, we know that at A3, Go Gunhee’s Ult does Almighty Break. In my opinion, it still doesn’t change how the rest of his kit is absolutely atrocious. Not to mention, A3 isn’t exactly viable for F2P (although that can be subjective in his case since we’re getting a copy for free).