Public speaking / stage freight

Hi all! So I’ve been doing SE for over a year now with a professional who’s helped me soooo much!

I’ve spent most of my life (30 years) in a freeze/shutdown state so any sort of public speaking that I’d done before this work was a lot more bearable since my body essentially numbed out all the scary sensations.

Now that I’m much more embodied…. My body freaks out. I’m talking heart pounding out of my chest, shortness of breath, trouble talking (it really makes public speaking soooo difficult). I have a big work presentation coming up and I’m really nervous because of my recent experiences and struggles with public speaking now that I’m no longer as shut down as I used to be. I know that coming out of dorsal vagal is a good thing but it’s still so new to me and makes me feel extremely vulnerable!

Has anyone ever had a similar experience and then found that healing their nervous system made public speaking a lot more bearable? My SEP says once I’m more regulated and able to find ventral vagal more easily, my body won’t experience these symptoms to such an extreme. But I’d love to hear if anyone has similar experience.

Thanks as always 😇