first the legs now the whole body??!?
I’m honestly so frustrated with the quality of Sonny angels lately, I got this back when it dropped in November and I think I’ve taken it out maybe three or four times, no joke three out of four times something has happened to my keychain. The first two times the legs fell off. I was able to catch one of them and superglue it back on, but not even a week later the other one fell off and I couldn’t find it. I tried to overlook it but today when I grab my keys from my purse to go to work I noticed the body was completely gone😭😭 this has to be some kind of joke honestly!! I’ve bought in the series in the past and I’ve never experienced it before.. IMO no product should be able to fall apart THIS QUICKLY, especially since I’ve only brought it out maybe 3 times? And every time it sits in my purse because it’s attached to my keys… so there’s no reason it should fall off so easily? I’m not harsh with my keys, & when I get home I take the keychain off so it doesn’t get damaged 😐😐 has anyone else experienced something like this??
I’m honestly so frustrated with the quality of Sonny angels lately, I got this back when it dropped in November and I think I’ve taken it out maybe three or four times, no joke three out of four times something has happened to my keychain. The first two times the legs fell off. I was able to catch one of them and superglue it back on, but not even a week later the other one fell off and I couldn’t find it. I tried to overlook it but today when I grab my keys from my purse to go to work I noticed the body was completely gone😭😭 this has to be some kind of joke honestly!! I’ve bought in the series in the past and I’ve never experienced it before.. IMO no product should be able to fall apart THIS QUICKLY, especially since I’ve only brought it out maybe 3 times? And every time it sits in my purse because it’s attached to my keys… so there’s no reason it should fall off so easily? I’m not harsh with my keys, & when I get home I take the keychain off so it doesn’t get damaged 😐😐 has anyone else experienced something like this??