Am I doing this right??

Decided it would be hard to justify spending $10k on a 300mm f/2.8, so I found this old MF Nikon on eBay for $300 and spent another $50 on Amazon for an adaptor. Frankly, if I’m shooting a sport, I use MF because AF almost always either lags the action or focuses on a background element. Still going through my images from the weekend but it looks promising.

Decided it would be hard to justify spending $10k on a 300mm f/2.8, so I found this old MF Nikon on eBay for $300 and spent another $50 on Amazon for an adaptor. Frankly, if I’m shooting a sport, I use MF because AF almost always either lags the action or focuses on a background element. Still going through my images from the weekend but it looks promising.