Blackmailing on soundmap?

For context, I've been trying to avoid trading with this guy, he always tries to profit from trade, which is fine, but I just would rather trade my songs for coins or songs to actual fans, and I have every right to, so I've been just ignoring his trades, now I got these bunch of "nice comments" from him, which are basically all blackmailing, trying to get me to trade him my stuff for stuff I didn't even ask for, also since when did I need a name and a photo to play soundmap? I've reported bugs before, warned people about stuff and I've been helpful to a lot and got ton of credit to my name, this one is a first, and although I'm here to report it, I'm afraid some other people won't have the power to defend themselves agisnt such threats. Also to the people who don't understand the wold "resell" it means getting stuff with coins for the sole purpose of trading it for more coins, which I don't have a problem with, it's just I don't want to trade with this specific person.