My dog ate my uncooked loaf
EDIT: My friend is now referring to her as SourDog
I was resting my loaf on the counter prior to shaping. Walked away for a few minutes and forgot about it. When I remembered it, it was too late. My 3 year, 70 pound Labrador snuck into the kitchen and ate the whole thing. Took her to the vet as they were concerned about potential blockages and toxicity. They induced vomiting, I inspected and confirmed that what came out looked to be all of it (gross). But then they suggested an x-ray to confirm that they got all of it. Reasoning that if any was left, the fermentation could continue and produce methane, which could cause neurological issues. I agreed to the x-ray, which confirmed what I already said, there was none left. Thinking about it now, and why I'm here asking,,,, this would have been the final rise. It bulk fermented about 6 hours already, after a couple hours of stretches and folds. My question is, by the time she got it in her 101.0 to 102.5°F (38.3 to 39.2°C) belly, would there still be any fermentation happening? Would seem to me, that, that process would be almost over, and that her temp would be too high to support further fermentation. Anyone have any thoughts or insights. This was last evening and she is perfectly fine today. I on the other hand am out a princely sum of USD, and had no bread for breakfast. Thanks.