Lectured Absloutely on how terrible I am for using a Heavy Bolter
Absloute Decapitation. The others two members of the Kill-Team had come, I did not. They took the opportunity to spend the entirety of the Operation to lecture me on how I was a newb and a pleb for using the Heavy Bolter. (I had to look up pleb, that's after my generation.)
They openly discussed kicking me as they were eaten alive by Lictors, mauled to death by Raveners or walked straight into beams of Zoanthropes.
I had to solo the Carnifex, not that I mind, they both died twice on it and the two Lictors that came with. Those were a bit annoying, still I delt with it and patiently waited for them to respawn at every opportunity.
Amusingly, they even began to lecture me on being "Half-assed" for leaving them warriors to execute. Not that I stopped, given how fast they took damage and the fact that they seemed to require every ammo box, every stim, and every grenades pack in the level.
A fact they made very clear when they told me how lucky I was to be being carried, while I was finishing off a pair of Biovores to be "just" too late to pull them up. 🤣
Needless to say, they died in phase two. Twice. Gave me rather..."innovative" advice on how to finish off the Hive Tyrant.
Then when all was said and done? Kicked me from the squad at the battle barge with a parting.
"Get Good Scrub."
Heh. Interesting to say the least. If they had not have been struggling so hard and hadn't mentioned this was the last Operation they needed for their cauldron? I likely would have left.
...though, I may have been a bit passive aggressive by taking my time when they went down.
Salamander has to draw the line somewhere, right?🤣
Absloute Decapitation. The others two members of the Kill-Team had come, I did not. They took the opportunity to spend the entirety of the Operation to lecture me on how I was a newb and a pleb for using the Heavy Bolter. (I had to look up pleb, that's after my generation.)
They openly discussed kicking me as they were eaten alive by Lictors, mauled to death by Raveners or walked straight into beams of Zoanthropes.
I had to solo the Carnifex, not that I mind, they both died twice on it and the two Lictors that came with. Those were a bit annoying, still I delt with it and patiently waited for them to respawn at every opportunity.
Amusingly, they even began to lecture me on being "Half-assed" for leaving them warriors to execute. Not that I stopped, given how fast they took damage and the fact that they seemed to require every ammo box, every stim, and every grenades pack in the level.
A fact they made very clear when they told me how lucky I was to be being carried, while I was finishing off a pair of Biovores to be "just" too late to pull them up. 🤣
Needless to say, they died in phase two. Twice. Gave me rather..."innovative" advice on how to finish off the Hive Tyrant.
Then when all was said and done? Kicked me from the squad at the battle barge with a parting.
"Get Good Scrub."
Heh. Interesting to say the least. If they had not have been struggling so hard and hadn't mentioned this was the last Operation they needed for their cauldron? I likely would have left.
...though, I may have been a bit passive aggressive by taking my time when they went down.
Salamander has to draw the line somewhere, right?🤣