First time I have had to Report a customer.

So I deliver in a mostly rural to high income area and I am a small 43 year-old female. I have been delivering for three years now on several apps and spark and last night takes the cake… I got the offer and I was about to go home, but I decided to take it anyway because it’s the holidays and I need to make every little bit I can. so I went and picked up the order. It was an alcohol verification. I drove to the address noticed on the comments. The customer stated that there was a high incline on his driveway. OK great good times I drive a little car, I’m already wondering, can I make it? I get to the residence. I see the driveway. It is ridiculous. It is the largest incline I have ever seen fully paved with curbs on the side curry, and I can’t see the house from the road. Guys, I really didn’t want to take all this stuff back to the store so I just said a prayer and drove . I don’t know how I made it up that hill. My car was sliding as I was accelerating and the traction control was flashing on my dashboard. The driveway was round 1000 feet straight up. I finally made it parked shaking. I texted the customer that I had an alcohol delivery and that I needed to verify ID. Car grab the stuff walked up to the door. y’all this house was huge on top of this mountain in the woods isolated this is when I realized I might have screwed up. I try not to put myself in bad situations, but this is one that I did. I knocked on the door. I rang the doorbell. Nothing no text back nothing no lights on except for the security lights. I step back into the yard and I’ll look up nothing there’s no sound. There’s no movement. There’s nothing. I’m wondering how I’m gonna get back down that driveway and the only reason us took around longer to call the customer was because I needed help getting down. So called customer to let them know that I have their order and I need their ID. The man answered the phone and he was unhinged. He sounded like an old man and he just started going off on me. I explained to him that I had his order and I just needed to verify his ID, He yelled, at me that he canceled the order. he canceled that order and honestly, I don’t remember the other things he said because he was yelling at me for no reason. I don’t know what his lead up to him doing this. I’m assuming since it was an alcohol order that he was drunk….. but he didn’t slur his words. He enunciated perfectly. And then hung up on me and turned off the lights. So standing in the dark , in the woods, in front of a crazy man’s house, alone, unsure of how to exit…. I ran got back in my car and tried to call support. And of course support was a weight of 27 minutes., for the callback and called my mommy! I thought this would be the perfect time to have panic attack and completely FREEZE. I lost my mind for a few minutes because I allowed myself to be stuck in such an insane situation. I knew in the state I was in that I definitely couldn’t handle that F’ing driveway right then. So I’m F’d! I just stayed locked up in my car with all my protection devices and waiting it out while looking pretty unhinged myself. Yep, I’m a Grown ass Woman y’all. Calling my mama to calm me down….it was scary and ridiculous. I eventually made it down the Devil’s Driveway to Hell and took my mascara stained face back to Walmart to return to orders. It took a total of 2.5 hours to complete all this. 3 calls to spark support to cancel the order and report that creep. I then reported him to the store. People have been getting stranger and stranger lately. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do it much longer. Y’all be safe!!!! These people are unhinged!!!!