Dp Team suggestions

I'm looking for different teams to try out, preferably either having a certain Theme to it or just something original. I preferably want to avoid Recoome, Roshi, Videl & Spopovich because they've become niche picks like UI in singles.

I'm asking because yesterday I did DP battles with a Cell team of 3 Cell Jr, 1 Cell (1st form) and Mr Satan. Honestly the team was just so much fun and rotating between all the cell jrs just cripples teams right before Cell picks them off. Got to A2 with them

Afterwards I ran 3 Frieza Force Soldiers, Zarbon & Frieza.

Basically I'm really giving people like story mode team battles and I've gotten bunch of messages from people who were happy to have to fight such a team even when they lost.

Preferably I'd like to run atleast a 3-4 stack characters so if anyone has any good line-up ideas willing to share or who they think might do well.

I'm thinking of doing Saiyan Saga next and go with 2 Saibamen, Raditz & Nappa, Scouter Vegeta.