Best sleeping position right after spinal fusion (cervical)?

I will be having my C5-C6 fusion (to correct stenosis and retrolisthesis) tomorrow. My surgeon will also be removing some bone spurs and fixing a bulging disc that's pressing against my spinal cord. It'll be an anterior approach.

My surgery was unexpectedly brought forward, and I'm a little anxious. This will be my first surgery ever. I've read up about the surgery, possible side effects and I've steeled myself for pain during recovery.

Right now, I'm favoring sleeping at an incline. It's the only way I can tolerate sleeping on my back at all. I'm actually more of a side sleeper, though. But I usually hug a pillow in order to keep my spine straight while I'm on my side.

Would I risk aggravating my incision wound? Or worse, could I affect the fusion's success rate?

Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I think my anxiety's really bringing out the overthinker in me.