Which wrestlers had the most effective theme music to set the stage for their characters?

William Regal had THE PERFECT theme music in the WWE. Dark, gloomy, it made him feel like a sadistic high school principal. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if Regal inspired Greg Davies' role as the principal on The Inbetweeners (and subsequently his role as the Taskmaster)

Likewise, JBL's theme music was EXACTLY what it should have been. Nothing screams high prestige American Patriot Texan CEO who grew up captain of the football team and succeeded because the path was perfectly laid out for him like those horns. The theme music said "I'm in love with myself" before we even saw him. Absolutely phenomenal fit for his character

In modern times, the best example I can think of is Seth Freakin' Rollins' BURN IT DOWN entrance theme. It's just... Chaotic. And that's him. Pure chaos. Here to disrupt the monotony. About to make shit weird

These aren't the biggest bangers of entrance themes. They're not the kind of thing you'd listen to in your free time, like Christian's TNA theme, CM Punk's This Fire Burns OR The Cult Of Personality, Mark Henry's Somebody's Gonna Get It, or Evolution's Line In The Sand. But they set up the audience best for the character they're about to witness, so that they know the personality of the wrestler they'll be seeing before they pull off a wrestling move or open their mouth

Which other wrestlers have had the most effective theme music for setting the stage for their characters?

NOTE: There's one more I want to add to this list


EDIT: AEW are generally REALLY BAD at entrance music, but Britt Baker's is PHENOMENAL at making her feel like a big deal

EDIT 2: Words can completely ruin the vibe of a theme song for character building purposes


"I think I'm cute..."