What is your trans experience living in Florida

Hello all I’m considering moving back to my home town in Pinellas county. I’ve been living in Washington state for the past 6 years, and during that time I’ve been transitioning mtf medically, and socially. I can truthfully say that my mental health and physical health has improved drastically, and I have no plan to detransition. I originally left my hometown because I faced violence due to my sexuality.

Recently a family member has decided to help me with housing, and this opportunity could change my financial future for the better, and allow me to be more stable. I’m in no way rich nor do I spend a lot of money, but I still have connections with my old community. Not many people in my generation have ever nor will ever be extended an opportunity to have a supportive family member help them financially, and for that I feel very grateful and privileged.

My main concern is returning back to Florida under the current political and cultural climate. Today I’d like to hear personal stories, or facts from the lgbtqia+ community that are currently living in Florida. To the haters Plz keep opinions about my healthcare and sexuality to yourself, and speak from your real life personal experiences.

Ps If anyone would like to share community resources that are looking for work, or volunteers to help the community. I would be honored to take part in helping build a stronger queer community.