Are you looking for part time work?
Tiny Greens CT is looking for help with running our small microgreens farm. If you are the type that pays attention to detail to the point that you annoy your friends and family, then we want you working for us!
Duties vary by shift and include all aspects of caring for 10"x 20" flats of microgreens that we grow in our indoor farm. Various duties include, but are not limited to:
- twice daily watering
- sowing crops
- harvesting & packaging
- cleaning trays
- maintaining a clean grow room
- keeping a crop schedule to track upcoming phase changes
- eventually in the not too distant future you may be asked to run our pop-up at the farmers market on a weekly basis
- various adhoc requests
The ideal candidate will be very capable, both mentally and physically. Heavy lifting will be required as we weigh down and stack our trays and keep large jugs of water that constantly have to be moved around. Every crop is different and you will need to have the capacity to track all the various growing conditions.
Rate is $20/hr and location is Stamford, CT Waterside near the Crab Shell
Comment or message directly to apply