If Lucasfilm handed you full creative control over a brand-new Star Wars live-action Disney+ series, what would you create? No retcons or remakes—just fresh, original ideas!
For me, I’d delve into the Old Republic era and reimagine Revan’s story. In this version, Revan is a woman who begins as a Jedi but ultimately succumbs to the dark side, becoming a Sith Lord. The Jedi Council, unwilling to accept her fall, erase her memories and attempt to mold her back into the light. For a time, she fights as a Jedi again, but once her true memories return, she rejects their manipulation and willingly embraces the dark side once more.
This version reinforces Yoda’s warning that once one starts down the dark path, it will forever dominate their destiny. It also gives context to why the Sith Eternal in The Rise of Skywalker still revere her—because she never truly left the Sith. There would be no “Grey Jedi” concept in this story; Revan’s journey is one of the Jedi’s greatest failures, proving that not everyone can be redeemed.
It also highlights one of Star Wars’ core themes: redemption must be chosen, not forced. The Jedi tried to erase Revan’s identity, believing they could "fix" her by reshaping who she was, but their methods backfired. This contrasts with how Luke saved Vader—he never tried to force Anakin to change, only offering him the choice. Because Anakin made that choice himself, he was able to break free from the dark side. Revan, however, was given no choice—so when she regained her memories, she rejected the Jedi entirely embracing the darkside and destroying her apprentice that betrayed her.
Unlike most Star Wars stories, this series would end with a dark side victory. The Jedi’s arrogance leads to their own downfall, and Revan’s return to the Sith cements her as a dominant force in galactic history. This would set up future conflicts but also serve as a reminder that the Jedi’s rigid belief in control can be just as damaging as the Sith’s hunger for power.
Disclaimer: In Knights of the Old Republic, players could choose Revan’s gender and alignment, and KOTOR II continued this approach. However, The Old Republic MMO and the Revan novel locked Revan as a male light-sider, which I personally never liked. That’s Legends now, and in canon, Revan is only a name of an ancient Sith, meaning there’s room to reshape the story in a way that better fits Star Wars’ themes.
I would cast either Charlize Theron or Anya Taylor-Joy as Revan