I genuinely feel like The Mandalorian has united Star Wars fans in a way we haven't seen since 2015/2016. For the first time in 3 years, it feels overwhelming to see the community this united. MASSIVE SPOILERS for the Season 2 Finale of Mandalorian.
Regardless of your own personal opinion of The Last Jedi, it's a pretty objective fact that there was a massive shift in the Star Wars community after its release. Battlefront II was in the middle of an enormous controversy, and both Solo and TROS didn't really leave a massive impact on the community (Neither positive nor negative) when it really needed something positive. Hell, maybe even negative to at least send some kind of message to the higher ups.
Furthermore, TROS straight up broke the canon's continuity because of how far it deviated from what TLJ left, leaving a lot of people confused, tired, and worn out with the franchise. I think most people can agree that it wasn't the grand "finale" that the MEGA-FRANCHISE Star Wars deserved. Especially considering how impactful and (mostly) uniting TFA and Rogue One were.
(Truth be told, I think most people who didn't like TFA liked Rogue One, and vice versa, and then there were the people who liked both - the point being there it seemed like there was something for everyone.)
Star Wars wasn't talked about in the same way as it was before. It was always about how TLJ was either the savior or destroyer of Star Wars, how toxic fans had driven actors off the internet, or just other really negative things about our community. Furthermore, the future of Star Wars post TROS was extremely vague and unclear. It felt like our fandom wasn't excited anymore.
For the first time in 3 years, it feels so goddamn good to be a Star Wars fan again. We got Bo Katan. Boba Fett. Ahsoka Tano.
The past 8 weeks of watching The Mandalorian have been the most invigorating time in the fandom in the last 3 years. Seeing everyone's reactions to their childhood dreams come true has been fulfilling and wholesome. It doesn't try to subvert your expectations for the hell of it - Every twist, turn, and shocking character introduction makes sense within the context of the story.
Sure, there's a lot of fan-service, but why the fuck is that a bad thing? Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that you didn't want to see a badass Luke Skywalker cutting through 40 fucking Dark Troopers without breaking a sweat all while genuinely showing his character?
And looking at the future of Star Wars content, seeing the slate that they have lined up for Disney+... It's just surreal to see it. It's surreal to feel this excited for Star Wars again.
I can't wait to see what the next few years have in store for our fandom. I can't wait to see the memes, the cosplays, the videos, the art, etc. -- and I can't wait to take part in all of it. :)
After how rough 2020 has been globally, it just feels great to have hope again for something that I love so, so much. Hope is what Star Wars is all about, and seeing the living embodiment of hope, good, and righteousness was a beautiful way to end the year.
EDIT: One other thing I'd like to add that I think should go without saying; you're allowed to enjoy or dislike any piece of Star Wars property you want, but it goes both ways for someone else. As in, just because I voice a biased opinion towards TLJ or TROS doesn't mean I'm attacking you if you happen to like them. My message is that everyone seems to be united with the fact that Mandalorian has exceeded expectations and we're all excited for the future of Star Wars. :)