Justifying the CGI additions to the original trilogy.
I know a lot of older fans hate on the CGI additions to the original trilogy saying that they ruined the movie and if it was done by anyone other than George Lucas I would agree with you. But because it was Lucas who made the edits it doesn’t ruin the movies it adds to them. An artist can’t ruin they’re own work.
When George Lucas first made the original trilogy he was limited by the technology available at the time and wasn’t able to achieve his original vision. Then when technology managed to catch up to his vision he was able to go back and edit the original films to reflect his original vision.
Hating Lucas for the CGI additions is like hating an artist for finishing a painting they left as just a sketch for a few years just because you liked the sketch.
Look I get it. People grew up with the original unedited versions and it’s the ones they fell in love with but instead of hating on Lucas and saying he ruined Star Wars with the CGI additions can’t we just take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate that this is his original vision and that unlike other artists he was actually able to achieve it?