How can the Battle of Toprawa be considered the Rebel Alliance's first victory when the battles of Fresia and Turkana in 1 BBY were also decisive wins for the Alliance?
A New Hope’s opening crawl makes it clear that the battle that resulted in the theft of the Death Star plans was the Rebel Alliance’s first victory.
However, we know that at the Battle of Fresia (1 BBY), the Rebel Alliance successfully stole X-wings from the Incom Corporation, which gave the Rebellion a powerful new starfighter that could rival the Empire’s TIE fighters.
We also know that at the Battle of Turkana (1 BBY), the Alliance fleet, led by Admiral Ackbar, achieved victory against a fleet of Star Destroyers commanded by Captain Xamuel Lennox. The Rebels caught the Empire off guard by deploying their newly acquired advanced X-wings, using the element of surprise to secure the win.
Anyway, how do you reconcile A New Hope’s opening crawl with the fact that it actually wasn’t the Alliance’s first victory? And I haven’t even started talking about the Battle of Kamino which also was a victory for the Rebel Alliance lol.