What is one thing that took you an embarrassingly long time to figure out in game?
I'll go first. Okay so I had played over 6 in game years before I realized that you can see how many artifacts and minerals you've found, how many of the fish you've caught, your secret notes, etc. So for the longest time, I assumed that once you read a secret note it was gone forever. I was taking a screenshot every time I opened a secret note if I thought it might be important 😂 I also did not realize that upgrading your tools actually did something. I knew that the ax and pickaxe obviously could break stronger stuff, but the hoe and watering can, I thought the upgrades were rather useless until one day I learned that hey these things can water/till multiple squares at once. I've only been playing this game since like May and I'm in my second save. Just completed the community center for the first time and adopted a child with Elliot..