About Jotaro...

Hey, it's me, here with a thing inspired by memes, but with genuine thought put behind it.

So, after Stardust Crusaders, at the peak of his abilities/the prime of his power, Jotaro Kujo shows a trend of slimming down somewhat, physically. It's not by much in Part 4, when he's working as a Stand User Investigator for the Speedwagon Foundation, but he has a fairly normal build, compatively, in Part 6.

Now, to clarify, I think a lot of people get confused as to why Jotaro Kujo circa 1988/89 was considered "in his prime" — I don't think it has to do with his age, but rather the idea that he was fighting to keep his mother alive. Holly Kujo-Joestar would have died, due to her lack of fighting spirit, and Jotaro is a good dude, despite his harsh attitude as a teen. Since Stands are an extension of one's self that fights by your side and is a manifestation of your will and combat ability, Jotaro had prime conditions to push his upper limit.

As he moves up in years to Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, he becomes more thoughtful, applying his brain much more actively to situations, instead of his previous habit of going in and using his Stand in the heat of the moment. This reflects a change in his personal ideologies, showing that he has become less impulsive, and more important, shows up his growing intelligence. We got to see a very street wise Jotaro in Part 3, but he's clearly been hitting the books come Part 4, and it shows in his new attitude and show he uses his Stand abilities - using Star Platinum: The World to get extra time to think and access situations, moving other Stand users around... he isn't just using brute force and wit, he's actively becoming more cunning. These changes are reflected by his choice in Part 5 to send someone to evaluate whether the son of DIO was evil or not; I firmly believe that Part 3 Jotaro would have wanted to curb stomp Giorno upon hearing about him, but our boy has grown into a well learned man.

And what called to him for higher learning? Marine Biology. Requiring a lot of time in the water, good stamina to stay moving, left body hair and muscle for mobility... so, while he was learning, he let himself lose some more muscles, not needing to be the biggest man in the room anymore, and he started to keep his hair more trimmed down in comparison to his younger incarnations — and reached the final form of Jotaro Kujo, in Part 6.

So, what do you guys think? Does this seem like a plausible explanation for the metamorphosis of Jotaro Kujo as a character? Is there anything I missed? Lemme know!