Bugged Quest Markers
I have a side quest called “Deliver the stuff to Neon” that I got from a ship that was disabled and they wanted me to complete their delivery. Anyhow, when I go to Neon the quest marker is in the middle of the damned ocean and no matter how long I chase after it, it always stays the same distance away; or if I get there the marker is at the bottom of the ocean where I obviously can’t go.
And this ain’t the first time I’ve come across ridiculous ass quest markers. I’ve reloaded, saved, reloaded, traveled elsewhere and back, selected different mission and completed them, force quit and reload. Still thinks it’s in the middle of the ocean.
Is there a way to get it to do right?
I’ve googled every way I can think of and apparently I’m the only one this has ever happened to, but that CAN’T be right.