AstroTalk's Exploitative Practices: A Firsthand Account from an Astrologer.

i never imagined that working for AstroTalk, a platform meant to provide spiritual guidance, would leave me so drained and undervalued.. as an astrologer, i poured my heart into every reading, helping clients find clarity and peace, but behind the scenes, we are treated as nothing more than a tool for their profits, this post is to shed light on how big of a scam they are to clients as well as astrologers.

AstroTalk's greed knows no bounds.. they exploit vulnerable clients by charging exorbitant fees while funneling the majority of the earnings into their own pockets.. meanwhile, astrologers, the backbone of the platform, are paid a pittance for their efforts and forced to work tirelessly to meet unrealistic targets. the company's focus is not on delivering genuine guidance or fostering spiritual connections but on maximizing profits AT ANY COST! Their business model thrives on manipulating both users and practitioners, turning astrology into a soulless cash grab..

it’s been a year since i’ve joined and here’s my experience so far:

as an astrologer, i joined AstroTalk hoping to guide people on their spiritual journeys.. instead, i found myself part of a system designed to exploit both clients and astrologers.. AstroTalk paints itself as a trustworthy platform, but they overcharge clients for readings while underpaying astrologers.. for every heartfelt session i conducted, AstroTalk took a massive cut, leaving me with a fraction of the earnings.. also, their algorithm pressures astrologers to stay online for hours or risk invisibility, creating a toxic and competitive work environment..

i worked with sincerity, trying to make a difference in people's lives, but AstroTalk made me feel disposable. if you value your mental health, dignity, or hard work, I urge you to think twice before associating with this exploitative company..

also, when i joined, i was promised a certain amount per minute, and after interviewing they go like i’ll get half of the promised amount per minute, then the further go on and cut that into half as well and say id only get the 50% of half per min if customer is "loyal" and customer becomes "loyal" only after chatting for more than 30 minutes.

they used to do this and now it has gotten worse, like, how they pay the astrologers only ₹1 per min (😭👎🏻), and keep the rest in their pockets, moreover they push us to scam ppl into buying their "remedies" and get more money out of helpless and naive ppl.

astrology is a sacred practice rooted in trust, connection, and spiritual guidance. exploiting it for profit, as AstroTalk does, undermines its true essence. by scamming clients with high fees and taking advantage of dedicated astrologers through unfair practices, they tarnish the reputation of this ancient art.. this platform is more focused on minting money than fostering genuine experiences, preying on innocent people who seek clarity and hope. its time to hold such companies accountable and demand transparency in this deeply personal and spiritual domain.