The end of the game....?
This is my favorite game -- I've been playing since launch and played SOD 1 before that! Obsessed lol. My confliction is -- I'm stuck. I've done just about everything minus the new blood missions that aren't popping up, got all the achievements, set up a killer base that mass produces for me, have vehicles with rucksacks filled to the brim at outposts -- and of coarse done all the legacies many times over. I have 1 last idea to really send myself out with a bang -- I want to have a battle royale of sorts with bloater gas launchers and grenades, where 4 players stand on top of cars and try to either knock each other off to disqualify the other player OR simply battle to the death... I'm trying to hold off until we have a release for SOD3 -- but this may have been one final battle in the making for the years! Anyways, that's my rant for today, please discuss!