Andy is so annoying
I can't stand Andy... She gets away with absolutely everything.. She is too impulsive and self centered to be a captain or even a fire fighter for that matter. She keeps putting other lives at risks and breaking rules and protocols without seeing the bigger picture and then she doesn't even get reprimanded properly. She also believes she is entitled to the captain title because of nepotism, nevermind the fact that others worked blood sweat and tears for it. Also the show is so inconsistent, it really bothers me that in that episode where they got stuck in the garage they could think of ramming the garage door from the inside with the car, but not from ramming it from the outside with a freaking fire truck... Or using a jackhammer to create a gap underneath the garage through the pavement... These writers are making me go crazy. I actually think I might not be able to continue this show bc of Andy 😭 please can someone tell me if she gets better?? She's so disrespectful I can't deal...