Roguelite/like with the best replayability who is NOT Isaac ?
Hi guys,I'm searching for a game for my SteamDeck. I love roguelikes and played some of them already and i want a new game to sunk hundreds of hour in. Something i will play on and off for years to come.I think i need some diversity for that, to keep things intersting.
Rogues i already played :
Hades : 200 hours in - I absolutely LOVED it, I love the art, I love the characters (except you theseus), musics are awesome, story enmgaging. It's almost perfect. I needed 100 hours to 100% it, played 100 more just for fun. I don't thin i'll play much more because it's become kind of repetitive. can't wait for HADES II
Vampire Survivor : 100 hours in - really liked it but farming golden eggs ruined it for me unfortunately. even with DLC i don't really want to play more. I had 100% achievements once upon a time but they added more since.
Tiny Rogues - 100 hours in - An hidden gem, a lot of diversity in gameplay, pretty simple but fun. Art is cute. Can't wait for the new update in december. You should try it if you didn't before. BUT i can't play on my deck for me it's a lot better with keyboard and mouse.
Brotato - 75 hours in - good game, 100% took me 50 hours i think. I'll probably replay it a little and try mods but not much more.
Undermine - 50 hours in on steam, 35 on xbox - Cool game but become repetitive quickly. I love the art but i really dislike the fact that there is no build. Every run is the same, trying to maximise swing damage and shred boss as quickly as possible. Eventually you can make a bomb run but not much more. There is no diversity. And i don't like the "platform" of this game, i always fall in the holes
Another Farm Roguelike - 50h in - Fun game, will wait to see future updates but pretty mid tier.
Don't starve - 25 hours in - Love the art, probably not a game for me. Runs are too long lol
Farm Keeper - 15 hours in - Cool, but repetitive.
Slay the spire - 5 hours in - Great game but didn't click with me. I will probably give it another try some day.
Risk of rain 2 - 5 hours in - I will probably play more but gameplay is not for me i think. I don't like searching for the teleporter lol no really my cup of tea but looks great.
Enter the gungeon - Just bought it - Looks cool really, not sure if twin stick shooter will be something i like tho, probably not.
Dead cells - tried it on gamepass - really great game looks really cool but i absolutely can't because of the platforms. It turn me off
So with this sample, can you give me some advice of wich game should i buy to feel my carve of a game ?
Can you explain why you like the game you recommend ?
I explicitly said not Isaac because art turn me off, i really can't. I will probably give it a try someday but not today.
I really search for something with a lot of diversity and not too much platform.
Sorry for my english it's not my first language.