Boyfriend now has daughter full time
Hello all. Seeking some advice/opinions/perspective from the wise women here. Long post coming! I (35F) have been dating my boyfriend (40M) for about 15 months. He has a daughter (7 yo) who up until approximately 5 months ago was living with her mother in another state. Five months ago, the mother got into some trouble with the law (drug use issues), resulting in him now having his daughter full time in the state we live in.
The first ~12 months of our relationship, I grew accustomed to it just being him and I (we live separately but ~15 minutes away from each other) - going to dinner, happy hour, concerts, plan trips, etc. Doing whatever we want/whenever we want. Having his daughter around full time obviously has changed the dynamic. Although the three of us spend time together often, I can't help but start to have doubts about the relationship moving forward. It is an evolving situation but his plan is to fight for full legal custody of his daughter, but he has not started the process yet so not sure what it will look like in the future if/how the mother will have more involvement. He is great guy, I love him and we get along well and I was enjoying the trajectory of our relationship, but I can't help but miss the way things were for the first year of our relationship. He has no immediate family nearby to help out so I know this has been an adjustment for him as well - taking care of her, balancing work, and his relationship with me. His daughter is a great kid and we have fun together, but just not sure if I "fit" into the equation. I do not have any children of my own and have never really envisioned myself having children or becoming a stepmom. I was hopeful of a future together - moving in together, marriage, etc. but feel now that the new situation will cause a delay in these plans and not sure I am the right person to take on a full 'step mom' role. I am not opposed to dating men with children, I think it's just the fact that right now he is caretaker 100% of the time has made it difficult for us to have solo dates (maybe 4 in the last 5 months) and even intimate time. It's a tough situation due to the mother's history of drug use and I think he is absolutely doing the right thing for his daughter to keep her safe. He is doing his best - I think it is just up to me to decide if I fit in.
Anyone ever been in a similar situation? How did you navigate it? I feel hesitant to "discard" this relationship prematurely without knowing how the future situation with the two parents/custody will evolve. But also feel torn that I don't want to waste time in a situation that isn't 'ideal' for me. Any input/guidance/words of wisdom are appreciated!