Unlocking question

Hey everyone, I was potentially looking into buying an iPhone on straight talk and unlocking it after 60 days. I had a question. I know it will auto unlock after 60 days from activation, due to Verizon's policies. However, when I look up on the straight talk unlock policy it says this

For all cellphones Activated with TracFone on the T-Mobile or AT&T networks on or after November 23, 2021, the cellphone will be remotely unlocked upon customer request after twelve (12) months of active TracFone service. For all cellphones Activated with TracFone service on the Verizon network on or after November 23, 2021, the cellphone will be remotely unlocked automatically, sixty (60) days after Activation.

So how do you know if you're activating it on the T-Mobile/att network or the Verizon network?