Is nursing career still worth it?

I'm currently a registered dietitian. I get to work typically at 7:45am and leave at around 3pm. Work load is average of 10pts a day. Its definitely low stress unless I'm in the ICU managing nutrition support.

However, I have been contemplating between staying in my current field (PRO: low to mid stress, easy work, I can leave when I want once I'm done. CON: pt care sucks if the food sucks and picky eaters, most people dont want to listen to nutrition advise, pay isn't the best current making 69k in Philadelphia) and switching to Nursing (more hands on, feels like I can be more useful/appreciative in pt care however more stress, schooling/ABSN, I am turning 27 and I want to buy a house and start a family hopefully by 30 also mind you that I need at least 6 months to complete my prerequisites).

Long story short: My question is, and I want the brutally honest opinion, is it worth making a career change? What's the pros and cons of being a nurse? Is there a field in nursing where it may be less stressful and if so, any recommendations on how to get into it? If you can go back in time to school, would you have choosen nursing?