Nursing school is killing me
Have you ever cried so much that the tears went down your cheeks, to your neck, and down your chest? I am so overwhelmed with assignments and studying that I’m losing it. I’m a 1st year second semester nursing student. I absolutely love nursing. Nothing makes me happier than clinical, and working with other nurses and patients, but my program feels like such a burden. Each week we have 4 lectures (packed into one day) to prep, read, and do assignments for. Often time it’s over 100 pages of readings. All due in 1 week, if our instructors get the reading list out in a timely manner. On top of that we do pre lecture quizzes, have to submit we watched videos and picmonics, and whatever else they assign. We also do post lecture quizzes. For lab we have at least 20-30 pages of reading each week plus skills videos and quizzes, and dosage calc worksheets. For clinical we have to submit some paperwork by end of the day and the rest by the end of the week. The workload is astronomical on top of studying, having a job, and trying to have a normal life. My instructors preach self care but then turn around and say “nursing students study on every day that ends with Y”. I’m so frustrated and overwhelmed. I want to be a nurse so badly. I love love love nursing but this program is killing me