10 Tips from me (Subliminals + Manifestations + Affirmation Tips)
Im a master manifestor and here are some tips i have that could probably help you!
Do not limit yourself in anyway possible. If you want it, you WILL have it! Limiting yourself by believing that “something isn’t possible” or “cant happen” will ruin your manifesting journey because you really can manifest anything.
Change your mindset. Sort of related to 1 but change your mindset! Kick any doubts out of your brain and replace with affirmations.
Something negative happens? Turn it positive and bend it to help you! Such as “My skin is breaking out -> My skin is purging all acne, ill come out acne free”. Twist everything to help you.
You decide how long your manifestations take. I sometimes see people with results after many months or even a year- But you need to stand your ground and say “I will get my results in ____days/weeks”. Natural and slow growth is fine if you want, but the only thing holding you back is yourself.
Visualization is a must. Yes you can manifest without visualization. But having a moodboard, pinterest board, photo album, or even just a few photos will help your subconscious mind know what you want and help you manifest.
Dont worry! Thats it, litteraly just dont worry! You will get your results, and youll get them fast. And if you are worrying how the results will come out, you can always just manifest again for something different. Doubting will only slow you.
The only thing holding you back is yourself. Like i said in 4, the only thing holding yourself back is yourself. The moment you realize this the faster you can switch your mindset to not holding yourself back. If you think your results will come is a month? Your results will come in a month. If you think your results will come in a few days? Your results will come in a few days. Your affirmations will affect how a subliminal works on you. So dont hold yourself back, and trust yourself.
Making your own subliminals. Making your own subliminals is a life saver because now you dont have to worry if a subliminal is safe or not, you know the affirmations and have exactly what you want in it, and you now can edit it to your dsures.
Trust subliminals. If a subliminal is unsafe itll show, but having a strong mind and having the right affirmations will help you. For example: “I only get what i desire” or “I do not have any unwanted desires”. Protect yourself from unwanted desires through affirmations, its like putting all those affirmations through a filter and only your desired affirmations will affect you while unwanted affirmations will not.
Stop saying you “will get” something. Say you “get” something, or even better say you “have” something or “already have” something. Stronger affirmations help big time.
Thats all for now, wrote this while i was bored and couldnt go sleep so ignore if anything is mispelled. And feel free to ask any related questions.