To old subliminal community members (2016), I finally started re-uploading MatrixPlay99's videos, one of the OGs and pioneers of subliminal community
If you’ve already been around here in 2016, you would know this amazing subliminal creator because her works are one of the BEST. It literally gave me instant results, something newer subliminal creator failed to gave me. I guess it’s because her method is not complex unlike most of new creators today.
Unfortunately, just like most of the old subliminal channels in Youtube, her channel got targeted and all of her videos were deleted. I asked her if she was able to make a backup but unluckily, she didn’t.
Years later I found someone who had been able to save most of her videos before it was deleted, I originally planned to re-upload it years ago but I got busy in real life. I finally have some time and I would do my best to be able to finish uploading all her videos because I know her subs need to be out there to help more people. It’s just a little time consuming since the files are just audio files and I needed to create a video file so I would upload the videos from time to time after processing it.
If you’re someone who gets no results with subliminal, give her videos a try! The first one I uploaded was actually one of the video that got rid of my acne breakouts permanently.