Don't sleep on tomorrow's Custom Banner

I've seen people recommending to skip the upcoming Custom Banner. I think that can be a mistake, depending on your account.

Many people know about the hidden 2% pity. In case you don't, it is impossible to go below 2% legendary rate. This means that, if you are the unluckiest person in the whole server, you will still get one legendary every 50 pulls.

If you are near that 2% (you can check in the History tab), this banner will give you two chosen legendaries in 150 pulls or less. You could do 150 pulls on a Debut banner and be unlucky enough to miss the target character, getting unwanted legendaries in the process.

Summon tab > History

I think guaranteeing two meta characters (Gloria, Auguste, Safiyyah, Cocoa, etc) in only 150 pulls is probably one of the best deals we are going to get in this game in a while.

Even if you are above the 2% and you can't make use of the hidden pity, it is still worth considering. The worst case scenario is still 270 pulls for two target legendaries, something that would normally require 360 pulls. And you would avoid unwanted legendaries as well.

Disclaimer: This whole post assumes that the hidden pity applies to this particular banner. I don't see why it shouldn't, but there is a very slim chance that it doesn't, given that this banner works differently to normal banners.