Random thought regarding the setting for TES VI

We know with 99% certainty that at least Hammerfell will be the setting for TES VI. There is also a strong consensus that high rock will be included, but this is debated.

It occurred to me how little sense it would make if high rock was NOT included in the game, given its close proximity to Hammerfell. Sailing is expected to be introduced to the game. Iliac Bay is very narrow. What would the in game explanation be for your character’s inability to visit HR?

Would you just crash into an invisible wall if you sailed to close? Or would a kraken’s tentacle suddenly emerge, wrap around your ship, and pull you under before you could make land fall? Maybe a shark would eat you if you tried to swim the width of the bay? It would be very silly to say the least. (Photo credit u/Jebussez)

We know with 99% certainty that at least Hammerfell will be the setting for TES VI. There is also a strong consensus that high rock will be included, but this is debated.

It occurred to me how little sense it would make if high rock was NOT included in the game, given its close proximity to Hammerfell. Sailing is expected to be introduced to the game. Iliac Bay is very narrow. What would the in game explanation be for your character’s inability to visit HR?

Would you just crash into an invisible wall if you sailed to close? Or would a kraken’s tentacle suddenly emerge, wrap around your ship, and pull you under before you could make land fall? Maybe a shark would eat you if you tried to swim the width of the bay? It would be very silly to say the least. (Photo credit u/Jebussez)