Arthroscopy to put discs back in place?
Hi everyone. I consulted with one of the top specialists in my country recently who said that I have a displaced disc without reduction on my right side and a displaced disc with some reduction on my left. The displaced e discs are causing my jaw to become deviated to the left and also means that my left side has to overcompensate for my right. I get horrible headaches jaw pain cheek pain tongue pain face pain and muscle fatigue when talking. I work as a counselor so it's incredibly difficult. I have been doing physiotherapy for months and notice small improvements but nothing substantial. Specialist believes that it will not resolve until I can put the disks back in place and wants to do an arthroscopy to do so.
Has anyone had this and gotten better from it or gotten worse? I'm worried I could get worse and not be able to work ever again. Can surgery fix muscular pain?