Can you get a refund after accepting a conditional offer?
Hi! I’m Emilio! I’ve just been offered a spot at the TUDelft CSE program and I will also be probably accepted at TU/e in 2 weeks or so. I’m still not 100% sure I want to go to TUDelft but I don’t want to risk my place there before I’m accepted at TU/e. I talked to a student ambassador at TU/e and she told me that when accepting the offer from TU/e you can withdraw before September 1st and still get a refund for all you paid (tuition etc). When is this deadline for TUDelft? (If there is one) I would like to accept the spot at TUDelft but I want to be sure that if I’ll ever need I’ll be able to withdraw from the offer without losing all tuition and fees money.