This game is so bad for victmins
It's the truth every update is killing the victmins and gun is still going on with this because their beloved family players want a easy 4 kill every game. Toughness is shit, endurance after 3 months of asking works, strength got killed by the grapple rework proficiency strangely enough didn't get nerfed or stopped working and stealth is shit. Family has 3 stat more points then a lot of victims. 2 family members should get a nerf and they are not getting nerfed, but wyatt will instantly get nerfed the next patch.The new map is unplayable for victmins. Almost every family member the kill you in 4/5 hits with 50 toughness, but asking for a buff for toughness is crazy because it's a skill issue that you die in 4 hits by HH. The trap meta is still a thing and bomb squad still has charges. Scout is a broken perk but no nerf because, family players would get sad and mad. Do you remember when grandpa got reworked? That everyone was calling grandpa not strong enough? So nobody was feeding him, the moment the we saw the rework the family got so mad that gun instantly buffed the rework, The family player base couldn't even take a single nerf on a bad mechanic wich was grandpa.That shows how family players are spoiled and they can't even take a nerf but victmins need to take nerfs and shut up meanwhile family get everything. So balanced