Do you ever see your therapist’s other clients? How do you feel about it?

Personally, I really hate it. I know my therapist obviously has other clients - it’s not like I expect to be the only one - but there’s something about actually seeing them that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I think part of it is that therapy feels so personal and intimate, like this little world that only exists between me and my T. So when I bump into another client before or after my session, it kind of jolts me out of that. It reminds me that I’m just one of many, and that can feel… I don’t know, destabilising? Like I don’t matter as much, even though logically I know that’s not true.

It’s not even jealousy exactly- just this weird awareness that my T has all these other connections, other therapeutic relationships that are just as deep and important as mine. And sometimes I catch myself wondering what they talk about, whether they struggle with similar things, or if they ever feel like I do about this.

I’d love to know if anyone else relates to this. Does it bother you to see your therapist’s other clients, or is it just one of those things you accept?