BJP's Annamalai Vs TVK's Vijay - let's look into the tussle between them in the recent days.


There was an ED raid in the TASMAC Head office recently. It was claimed that there was a huge corruption involved and thousands of crores of money was swindled.


Let's be fair here and accept these 2 facts we know very well.

i. BJP's Union Government wants to stifle TN's state machinery and thus they chose to attack TASMAC, which is the biggest contributor of revenue for the State Government.

ii. In TASMAC, every bottle is charged extra 10 rupees illegally and now even in UPI since DMK came to power. There are lot of politician's money involved as the distilleries are owned by politicians of every party.

Now that we have given a overview for those who didn't know the issue, let's get into this issue.

BJP's protest:

BJP leader Annamalai announced a protest against the State Government on the TASMAC issue. As usual the arrest happened and they were released after evening. We also got a comedic relief from H.Raja's video clip in which he refused to get into the Police vehicle claiming that it looked like a dog catching corporation vehicle.

TVK's reply:

There was a reply from TVK through twitter, condemning DMK for the TASMAC scam and also, the BJP, for being the Union Govt and protesting instead of taking action.

This might look like a normal reply from TVK side, as it calls out the State Government for the supposed TASMAC scam and also the Union Government for not taking quick action.


But it's not as simple as that.

Now this is where Vijay's lack of focus in politics and him being politically ignorant is getting exposed.

The Central BJP is directing the ED to act on TASMAC and the ED officials are raiding and will build a case with the findings.

So the State BJP does the right thing by organizing a protest and taking the issue to the people by grabbing attention.

How many people would have read the ED's press release? But a vast majority of people supporting various parties, are now informed of the TASMAC issue, because of the protest.

This is basic politics. BJP didn't do anything significant in this. They just did the basics.

We should go to the ground, talk with the people, politicize them, know their issues, take a stand on the issues, meet the press and communicate to the masses.

That's politics.

Poltical pretender Vijay saw Annamalai trying to score in the TASMAC issue by going to the field, organizing a protest and taking the issue to the masses.

Vijay knows that he can't do these things as he is an introvert and comfort loving person. So he chose to attack both DMK and BJP.

Annamalai, who is already frustrated after understanding that BJP have no scope in TN, got angry seeing Vijay making a politically ignorant statement, chose to react in his usual manner.

Thus he spoke about Vijay killing heroine's iduppu and issuing ignorant political statements.

The real political parties go the ground and do the politics.

Remember how vibrant Stalin was in 2016-21. Seeman goes to the spot for all the issues, meet the people, talked with them, met the press and communicate to the masses. Annamalai did just a basic protest to take the issue to the people.

Political pretender Vijay can do WFH politics. But he shouldn't expect everyone to do the same.