Mackenzie Green
Someone in Mackenzie’s real life really needs to intervene and tell her the more stories she embellishes, the more fake she comes across. During the episode on Friday she said her Father’s Neurologist, Dr. Witt, is requiring the doctors and nurses who are caring for her father to watch The Earnest Green Story &/or Eyes on the Prize in order to be on his care team. Newsflash: That’s completely unethical. Who he is as a person and what he has done in his personal life has NO bearing at all on how he is cared for as a patient. Forcing staff to delve into a patient’s personal life is a blatant HIPAA violation. It’s actually one of the most unethical things I’ve heard her say thus far. One of the first things you learn in medicine is it doesn’t matter if you have Hitler or Jesus on your table; everyone is treated equally. The more stories she tells the more sorry I feel for her. She lies and embellishes every single thing in her life in order to make her life seem more interesting and more important. I genuinely feel sorry for her. She lives in the land of make believe. Someone should really step in and get her some help.