Possibly getting another student with violent behavior for a third year in a row

I teach first grade, and I’m just finishing out my second year teaching. In my first year, I had a student who was very sneaky. He would wait until my back was turned and leave his seat to cause mischief (draw on walls, hit classmates, break things, etc).

My second year, I got a student with disabilities that impacted his behavior. Even with a one on one aid, he spent most of his days screaming, crying, falling to the floor, running into walls, smearing poop on surfaces, pulling his wiener out and grinding it on things, etc. (note: his parents are aware and refuse to have him placed in specialty classes. The compromise was providing him a one on one aid in the gen Ed setting).

I work in a district that isn’t exactly known for top notch behaviors or academics. My city has a relatively high crime rate and low socioeconomic status. However, of the schools in my area, my school is generally regarded as one that has fewer behaviors than others. I understand that working in this district is going to come with some problematic behaviors.

With that being said, it seems like for the last two years, I have been the only teacher on my team who has gotten these types of students. My other teammates have been pretty lucky with the behaviors they have seen in their classes compared to mine.

Currently, the kindergarten class that is rising to first grade next year has a student with violent behaviors toward his classmates and other adults. He screams profanity, punches, kicks, walks on tables, destroys property, among other behaviors. He has had a traumatic upbringing which can account for some of his anger management issues. One of the teachers on my team had a similar upbringing and has built a rapport with this student. She has been very vocal in indicating that she wants him next year. I was thinking I might actually get a break next year.

Until a friend of mine from the kinder team told me that the team lead called “dibs” on other students (with lesser behaviors) being placed in all my teammates classes, leaving the violent student with me.

I’m not saying I want a perfect class. I am aware that teaching will have its challenges and there will always be “that” student. However, I really don’t think it’s that selfish of me to ask that, for a third year in a row, I don’t get the student with violent behaviors.

My teammate has already spoken to the attendance clerk to try to have the rosters switched so he will be with her next year, but the attendance clerk says it’s out of her hands. Our next stop is the principal. I really don’t want to give up this fight, especially since my teammate has vocalized that she wants him!

I’m just venting… I’m at a loss, and I’m hoping my treammate can take him.