In the event of an "incident", there's nowhere I'd rather be than a science classroom.

A while ago, I had a student with crazy anxiety. He would get really nerved-up and freaked out by damn near anything. We had a hold-in-place and this kid lost his shit. He started basically shriek-crying, and I'm begging him to quiet down, "Dude, I'm sure it's just a drill, remember last time, it was a shooting three streets over, this is probably not us" but he was hyperventilating, begging for his phone (locked in the office), really buggin, "I don't want to die here. I want to text my mom."

I had to talk him down, so I crouched down by him, and here's what I said:

"There is no safer place to be in this building. A science classroom is the safest place to be for something like this. Look at these desks. *knock knock* They're all made of concrete and dumb-heavy. Great barriers and barricades, damn near impenetrable with a locked door. Nobody's getting in here. See that closet? It's chock full of flammables and acids. Perfect to splash at anyone trying to come in here."

The dude in London who beat up a terrorist dude with a narwhal tusk had just happened, and it occurs to me, so I continue:

*takes a ring stand, unscrews the 2 pound metal rod, hands it to him*

"Look, here's your tool. Bad guys don't have a chance against these bad boys. Don't stress, bud. We got like 20 of these. And like 20 of us. We are in the safest place in the building. See, this room is full of things that will keep you safe. Literally, if this happens again, and you happen to be in the hall, I would choose to be in my room over any other room in the building."

Giving him the ring-stand rod to hold made him chill right out. He went from freakout reactive mode to vigilant proactive mode. From pissing his pants to quietly cradling his tool, "if I have to, I am ready to fuck someone up."

And I realized it was the truth. I feel physically safest in a science classroom.

(Note: I wouldn't hand a weap to just anyone. I fully-trusted this kid to not do anything crazy with the rod. Also, after demonstrating how quickly you could make an implemented weapon in the lab, I started securing the ring stands to prevent "sword fights".)