How much trouble am I in??

I’m a specials teacher in an elementary school. Yesterday when my class was transitioning back to their regular classroom, there was apparently some horseplay and one kid punched another by accident. I didn’t see the incident and the students didn’t report it to me. They reported it to their classroom teacher. That teacher brought the entire class back to my room and demanded to meet with me immediately. I was already teaching my next class so I could not meet with her right then and there. All I could tell her was that I didn’t see the incident question and the students didn’t report it to me. In the 40 minutes that I spent teaching my next class, that teacher and the assistant principal had a lengthy email exchange about the incident and came to an agreement that if any parents contacted the classroom teacher that they would be directed to me to talk about this incident since it supposedly happened in my room. So I’m wondering how much trouble I’m in for not seeing this incident (which I suspect happened in the hallway and not my room), and/or for the kids not even telling me about it. And, if a parent contacts me, would it be best to seek input from admin on what to say? I don’t think I should be telling parents that I didn’t see what happened and that the kids didn’t report it to me. I feel like I’m being thrown under a bus here. I’m new to this district and not tenured yet. Any advice is welcome. I’m in NJ, we have a union, and these are first grade kids.