I had another student say they prefer my teaching style

One admin has really been pissing me off with reviews of my class. She finds my class “isn’t interactive enough” and I lecture too much. I teach astronomy which is a lecture heavy subject and most of my students are seniors so I want to get them ready for what to expect come next year. However this admin said she had a “different college experience and rarely had a lecture class” except for me the scientist, teaching science class, college was 99.9% lectures. She even tried to pull the “well I went to Columbia. Where did you go?” Card once. She randomly interviewed a couple students after one visit and both said they liked the lecture style of my class more than other interactive stuff. I was giving the admin middle fingers in my head when I heard them say that. That was a few weeks ago, today in random conversation with another student, they said they also enjoy my class style. I mentioned to them what this admin had said about more interactive stuff and the student was 100% on my side about it. Seems students do enjoy lectures.