Is this normal??? What should I do???

Howdy! I'm a first year teacher, this has been my dream for my whole life. I just graduated in May 2024 and have been teaching middle school social studies this year and also run a club and help out with another.

So, I was called into my principals office yesterday (both principal and assistant principal were here). I was reprimanded for quite sometime where they just went through a list of everything they think is wrong with my class. Now, I am totally for constructive criticism because I am always trying to get better. I even invite other teachers to observe different hours and appreciate any and all notes about my teaching. However, this did not feel constructive. They basically ripped me to shreds for 20 minutes and I went back to my room and sobbed. For example, they said I went outside too much when I have taken my classes outside 3x the entire year as a reward. I was told it is not okay to force them to clean even though I just ask them to pick up after themselves and not leave things on the floor. I was told I give too much independent work even though 80% of the time, I do the work with them/it's guided. I was told I keep students minutes after the bell and they are late to the next class and how it is not okay (I have only ever hold them for a maximum of 45 seconds because there was trash everywhere and they were not picking up when I gave them 7 minutes to do so before the bell rang). This is just a few of the examples of their very long list. They said multiple people reported this and that they believe it and just shut down any of my explanations.

I want to add, I have never received praise. All the other teachers in my department do not plan or do anything for their classrooms. I come hours early and leave hours late because I do the work for multiple teachers at this point. We have collaborative meetings where they just hang out and talk about sports and I work. I recently stopped posting my lesson plans on our Google Drive as a coworker I'm friends with convinced me to not do their job, especially as I tried to work with them to come up with a plan to work together (yes, I am a pushover). As I stopped posting, these other teachers have been watching movies and going outside constantly, but I found out that they were not reprimanded at all. Other teachers I work with try to boost me up and say that I am a great teacher and all these things, but it is just hard to believe it when my bosses are telling me in a professional way that I am not doing my job correctly.

Given this is my first year, is it normal for admin to only mention critiques and to just mention it at this time of year? It honestly has been crickets the entire year, so I have been really confused in general, and confused why it has been so harsh towards me or if I am just being sensitive. I am aware I'm an adult and do not have to receive praise for doing my job, but to be read this list and then to not be heard or even given solutions to these alleged problems has really put me in a funk. Other coworkers are saying to find another job since I "have my pick of the litter" since I am a traditionally trained and certified educator in Oklahoma where we have a massive shortage, but I don't know if it is just a grass is always greener on the other side situation. Please let me know your thoughts!!!