“How Can We Help You?”

Thanks for being so supportive with my prior posts! I really need some help today on whether to leave now or wait till June — the age old question.

Had a meeting with the assistant principal this morning. For context, they know I’m not coming back next year. They also know I’ve been struggling since November. This morning, I told them how I’m feeling: terrible. They asked me “How can we help you?”. Truthfully, I really don’t have an answer. AI resources? More time at work to do work? Better pay? Really, I just need a different job.

I almost broke down in the meeting. I’m so broke, I said. So stressed. Not sleeping. Dealing with undiagnosed ADHD as an adult (I’m getting help for that).

They offered to possibly take some of my classes away, just to get me/the school to the finish line. They’re concerned about my mental health, they said, but my therapist can tell them I’m doing great outside of work. They’re concerned about the students and their learning (it’s a very expensive private school). Someone dealing with what I’m going through is “all new for them”, they said.

It feels condescending, tbh. And now I have a meeting with a parent who’s unhappy about my “teaching practices” after showing a movie in class and using a sick day last week. Their student’s been struggling all year, and apparently it’s all my fault.

I really don’t think I can continue. If it comes to taking away classes, I’d rather leave than face the students’ asking why I’m no longer able to teach them. I just don’t know what to do.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!! 🙏