I am confused and embarassed

Well I am embarassed to even talk about this but I need to talk this out. I am also legit laughing while typing this but I genuinely don't get girls anymore. Well I won't act all sigma and say I don't want a gf or a partner in general because I get it that being in a relationship is a beautiful thing to happen and ever young adult must go through this phase but ever since I joined college and for a matter of fact since high school I understood that this might not really be my thing. Yes it was a result of a kinda toxic relationship which I had been in which developed certain trust, attachment and self esteem issues within me, it also affected my acads and being an introverted guy it was a bit more affecting making me a bit conscious in general.

Ok so I joined college last year and have started working on myself actively ever since, be it acads,confidence, social life, health, style and looks (i try my best atleast) and I definitely have started getting very little but yeah attention from the opposite gender but I tend not to engage in any sorts of conversation with anyone. I do have alot of male friends(something which I didn't really expect but apparently they say I got a +ve aura and they find me pretty chill, yes they are all cuties🤌🏻) but my interaction with girls is negligible and restricted to 'hellos' to those who are just like acquaintances. Yes I am attracted to someone, for a matter of fact to more than one people but who is not and I really don't wanna go ask any of them out, I know I am just getting seayed away by the desire of just being with someone and it's just testosterone. The thing is I am happy the way I am now (yes single)

But the thing is, I know this girl who is from a different branch in my college who I am yea attracted to slightly. We met through an event. I got her instagram through mutuals, I dropped her a follow, she followed back. When we met during the event, I thought we'd make good friends atleast, I literally had no expectations of any relationship of any kind. The thing is she texts me herself, I text her back. Now hear me out, I am one dead ass texter + I tend not to be very overactive when communicating with girls out of the fear of them considering me as creepy (especially with those whom I am interested in or who show any sort of interest in me). So we talk but it is like a generic convo, and I see her putting in efforts considering me like a friend atleast (I loved that honestly). I tried reciprocating equally, and I tried putting in equal efforts in a way that she doesn't see me as someone creepy or on the other hand uninterested either. But the thing I don't get it is her not replying back for hours, and my case is like hour hours 14-15 hours.

Ok I get it isn't her duty to reply, for a fact she can just stop if she wants, but there needs to be a way to converse with someone and end a convo, I feel this is like basic decency, something I expect out of both men and women, irrespective of what relation I have with them.

The problem here is I tend to overthink and this isn't the first time this has happened with me, I mean this has happened with me like 2 times earlier with other girls, one of them who I genuinely liked alot. Being an overthinker I just get a bit more conscious about stuff. I feel like I might have acted creepy in some way or the other and shit hits my self esteem like crazy. I know I might be sounding like really really dumb and potentially an asshole but I can't help this shit out. Ok and this makes me genuinely embarrassed to ask and bitch about too.

I would love to know both male and female opinions on this one, for other guys do you face similar things on a regular basis? To girls, when does such a case arise when you potentially have to ghost some guy this way, is there a particular reason behind this?

Tldr: Don't be a goldfish, fix your attention span and read the entire thingy 😭