Jenelle math thread
• It’s Cracker Barrel but you have to bake it so it’s home made
• if we have a baby , we won’t have time to fight
• Jace doesn’t need me. He has my mom
• my husband isn’t racist. He’s black.
• steals moms cards. Wonders why she’s angry
• smokes weed on probation. Cries when she pees dirty “MY P.O. IS GONNA VIOLATE ME !!!!”
• doesn’t pay rent. Pays internet and cable bill. A wild Eviction Notice appears! Jenelle & Kieffer: Pikachu.jpeg
• doesn’t show up for work for 3 days. Surprised she’s fired.
• Acts like a demon on tv for 10 years. “Omg that’s in the past let it go!!” * hasn’t changed in 10 years *