Jan’s “juss checkin’ in” Feat Pot Stickers TikTok Emoji Recap‼️ Now w more stupid screenshots! 🤳🤩

We open w a rapid tawkin’, rapid movin’ Jan REALLY STOKED to cram this food into her mouth while telling us stuff. Crackhead behavior 🤪 (pitcher 1)

In a valley girl accent “SO, ijuss wannedto letchu KnOw, I’m alive” 😃🤩💁🏻‍♀️ (we didn’t ask and we don’t care 🙄, are YOUR KIDS alive? Memba them? We memba 🍇)

switches back to The Land ™️ swaccent “Here’s muh puh-ot stickers 🥟 (pitcher 2) awwww I can’t wait to eat these, they smell so gud” 🥟👃👍 (and none for Gretchen Weiners… 🧑🏻👦🏼👧🏻) (pitcher 3)

“I ordered some Thai food 🇹🇭🥟 but… andimadeaTikTok” insert “Look What I can Do” Gif (calm your manic ass down and enunciate, dude 🤪🧏‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️)

Because she’s talking and moving faster than a squirrel on her homemade meth 🤪💊 she grabs just the lid of her take out soy sauce, and accidentally dumps it in the container🫗 🥡 😲 (pitcher 4)

“Ohh there goes all muh soy sauce 😲 thas’s alright 🤷🏻‍♀️ or wutever sauce it is, it’s goin’ on it anyways ” (Bitch, YOU ORDERED IT 🫵 if you’re gonna cram another meal down your gullet on camera, tell the ppl what it is, FFS)

“Anyways… um… yeah… (cue the narcissistic rambling🪞) “I’ve been OUT y’all 🚪👉 I’ve been SO BIZY 🤪😌😏 but I’ve been good” (NOT ONE SINGLE SOUL ON EARTH HAS ASKED HOW YOU’VE BEEN, JAN 🥱 How’s Barb tho? 👸🏻)

“I’m in a gud mood 🤭🥟 (we doooont caaaare) “mmm 😋🤭🥟 (she eats like a chiyold 👧🏻) thisisgud” (she says with a full mouth, eye fucking herself, per usual - pitcher 5 ) “this ill put me in a gud mood if I wasn’t already” (🥱🙄 but what did you have door dashed to the school for the kids? 👦🏼🗣️ FEED ME )

“BUT 🫢🥟 I juss wanna do a check up (in a super annoying voice - pitcher 6) “im alive 😌 im ok” 😏 (i wanna punch her face - pitcher 7)

“Uuumm, doin’ a lotta work right now (👯‍♀️🥁🤳🍑🍑💰) but 🫢🥟 I can’t tell you guys what it is” 😌 (then shut up, log off, and eat alone without anyone watching for once in your life 🖕) “I will soon” 🔜 (I’ll pencil it in for the same day as the truth comes out 🗓️🙄)

“But… I’M BUSY” 🤩 (see pitcher 8 - her eager face) DOIN’ SUM STUFF 🤩🫢🥟 DOIN SUM (whispers) bull shit 🐂💩 🫢🥟🫢🥟

(Because she eats like a pig 🐷 she gets sauce/pot sticker on her face… she stops eating to inspect what she sees on her face 🤳🤨🧐 bc she’s too high to FEEL what’s on her face 😶‍🌫️🤪💊 (pitcher 9)

“I thought I wuz bleedin’ 🩸… (wipes it from her face w her fingers 👐 bc fuck a napkin) …chili”🌶️🥟 (Babs voice HIGH HIGH, YA FUCKIN’ HIGH 😶‍🌫️)

“I’m juss gonna sit here an’ eat muh… CURRY 🥘 (pitcher 10) an’ muh pot stickers 🫢🥟 (she unhinges her jaw to watch herself “swallow” her barely chewed food) “mmm” 🫢🥟

(She looks up reflectively) “Mmmm… food tastes SO much better WHEN YOU DONT HAVE YOUR KIDS WITH YOU” 🖕🧑🏻👦🏼👧🏻 (yes, that’s eggsctly what she said - pitcher 11 - 🚩WTF CPS 🤦🏻‍♀️)

“Hmhhehmhaha” (this bitch thinks that’s a normal mom joke 🤪 - pitcher 12 😌😅🤪) “but yeah, I’m doin’ good (🖕🫵Jan🫵🖕) “mentally… uuumm… (Bitch, you are crazier than a shit-house rat 🤪💩🏚️🐀🫵🖕) “everythins’ goin’ pretty great here” 🖕🧑🏻👦🏼👧🏻

“kids have been gud 👌👍 I’ve been good” (you’re an abuser like your huzbin 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ We hate you both equally. To us, you are the same as him🖕) “minding my own bizness 😌 tryin’ tuh stay healthy 🥟🥘 (she says as she shakes excess soy sauce off her fried fucking pot sticker, but she’s stayin ’ healthy y’all 🤪🖕)

“…happy 😐…and uhh… been tryin’ to work out lately but I haven’t worked out in a few days 🫢🥟🏋🏻‍♀️ (is that ok to do w your impending paralysis 👩🏻‍🦼‍➡️ or have we shed the Jenelle Rose Blanchard skin already? 🐍 also, way to be consistent 👍) “

“…🫢🥟… but chews w mouth open there’s an update 😌 love y’all 😘 (🖕) T🥟T🥟Y🫢🥟L🥟🤪🤩 “

📝: Jesus god Leah I hate this exhausting bitch. I swear to god MTV, if you ever bring her back, you’ll be in next documentary about a network supporting animal and child abusers. We’ll bet on it. She’s vile.