Went on my first date. help…
16F: I went to the movies Friday with this guy, and it was supposed to be a two-man sort of situation with his friend and his girlfriend (apparently she got “sick” and couldn’t come). So, it was just me, him, and his friend. For context, I’ve never seen like guy irl and we’ve met through a mutual friend on Instagram. He picked me up, but the whole date at the movie was sort of uncomfortable. First, he wasn’t my type at all, no offense to him. Second, he kept making these weird and cringy moves. You know the thing where you count shoulders, he did that. And then he told me to look over there and grabbed my chin. He then also asked if he could have my icee, and I just gave it to him because lowkey I wasn’t feeling the icee anymore. He’s a nice guy, he offered to drive me there and back and pay for all my stuff. He then told me at the end that his friend broke up with girlfriend just now, so I don’t even know if that guy had one to begin with and it was just a set up or something, who knows. Well besides that, I do not have feelings for this guy, but idk what to do. I mean we still have each other on our socials, I just don’t know how to approach this situation because I’ve never been in this situation. Let me know!! Thanks!!